To know and love your neighbor solves many problems

Hank Arends, Special to the Statesman Journal 9:03 p.m. PT May 18, 2017 It sounds so easy, so simple up against the myriad unresolved problems in 2017. The solution was offered recently by Sam Skillern, executive director of the Salem Leadership Foundation, which...

Salem tackles issues facing local refugees

The meetings, organized by the Salem Leadership Foundation, Salem Alliance Church and Catholic Charities, focus on six key topics — education, English language services, housing, employment, health care and cultural navigation services.

Community connect brings people and resources together

Anna Reed, Statesman Journal 3:45 p.m. PT March 22, 2016 Medical checkups, dental cleanings, haircuts, bicycle repairs, hot meals and other services were all offered for free on Tuesday in Salem. Hundreds of homeless and nearly homeless people filled the Salem First...

Homeless find family for Christmas with Room in the Inn

Kaellen Hessel , Statesman Journal Published 2:59 p.m. PT Dec. 24, 2014 | Updated 4:47 p.m. PT Dec. 24, 2014 Two years ago, Sherry Martinez was living in her car and celebrating Christmas by herself after becoming estranged from her four kids. “When you’re...