It’s a tradition—and a big part of SLF’s budget planning—to conduct the ‘YEM’ this time of year. YEM stands for ‘Year-end Match’ and we are very fortunate to have a group of SLF friends whose gifts provide the basis dollars for the match. This year that amount is $70,000, and we’re inviting you—as you are able—to help us make the match.
But there’s more. Not only are we seeking to undergird SLF’s budget with YEM, we are also (in typical SLF fashion) helping another nonprofit achieve their mission even as we pursue ours. In this case, it’s Church@the Park, which is in the midst of a $350,000 capital campaign to buy the building and 1-acre property it has rented from the Salem JayCees for 12 years. Big vision, big faith.
So, in addition to the $70,000 we’re seeking for the SLF match, we’re hoping to raise another $70,000 in YEM gifts for Church@the Park, which will match foundation grants that we have received and/or applied for. In fact—breaking news—we are very honored and grateful to acknowledge the Salem Foundation’s Larry and Jeanette Epping Family Fund ($25,000) for being the first of what we hope will be several key foundation grants.
In total, $70,000 for SLF’s mission, and $70,000 for Church@the Park’s capital campaign. If the YEM is successful, Church@the Park will shoot past the 70% mark on the capital campaign. For 12 years this amazing ministry has served thousands of people and helped more than 150 find sobriety, housing, employment, and restoration to family and health. Owning the property will make the ministry’s impact permanent and increase the outcomes. We have until May 2021 to raise the funds and close this very-generous deal with the JayCees.
We know it’s been a strange and difficult year for everyone. So we make this request gently. And with great faith. Thank you for all you do to strengthen the shalom—the peace and well being—of Salem-Keizer and its neighborhoods. With (Happy) Thanksgiving …